"My Lasik experience was phenomenal. It has been the best life changing decision I have ever made."
- Shanice Brown
Lasik Patient - CLVC
"After 36 years of wearing glasses,
life after Lasik is so LIBERATING. I would recommend it to anyone."
- Toni-Ann Creary
Lasik Patient - CLVC
"After the surgery, my vision improved immediately. I haven't had any problems with my eyes since."
- Warren Howell
Lasik Patient - CLVC
"My Lasik experience was wonderful. I am looking forward to doing so many things, like swimming or not having to put 3D glasses over my prescription glasses at the movies."
- Roxanne Wanliss
Lasik Patient - CLVC
"I'm glad my Lasik surgery was a success. I am now able to see things across the street that I couldn't before. I suggest this procedure for everyone who wants freedom from glasses"
- Latavia Mitchell-Morgan
Lasik Patient - CLVC
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To contact our Knowleagable staff, call us at the numbers below.
+1-876-630-0958 | 1-876-630-0864 | 1-876-759-6449
Where to find us
We are located at 34 Lady Musgrave Road. You can use google maps to help if you are not familiar with the area.
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